EmuELEC 4.0稳定版发布

Changelog / 更新日志

常规 / General :

  • EmuELEC 不再是 32 位,它现在已经转移到 AARCH64(一些小部件仍然是 32 位,如 PCSX_Rearmed 和 Parallel64)
  • 专为 EmuELEC 打造的全新默认主题! Crystal! https://github.com/dm2912/Crystal
  • 为了方便PC计算机访问,现在将在第一次启动时创建第三个 FAT32分区 (EEROMS) ,以后所有 ROM 都将存储在该分区中。
  • 更新文件夹现在位于 EEROMS/.update 以防您想直接复制更新文件,它仍然可以从 samba 共享访问
  • 将不再支持 S912(包括大多数 Pandora设备), 3.9 是最后的支持版本
  • 大多数保存状态现在都在一个文件夹中(/storage/roms/savestates/[system] 或 EEROMS/savestates/[system]) 我可能错过了一些独立的模拟器,但如果您发现任何问题,请让 我知道,如果您打算继续使用旧的,请确保将它们移到那里。
  • 引入ee_defaults.txt
  • 将所有错误消息和脚本切换为使用 TvTextViewer,同时改进它们的显示方式
  • 添加了新的模拟器/内核 Dosbox-pure、Solarus、Tic-80、Mesen、DosBox-Staging、DosBox-X 等
  • Dolphin 模拟器已添加到 Amlogic-ng 设备中,但它只能在 S922x 设备上真正播放,并且游戏手柄静止需要手动设置。 将在 v4.1 上修复此问题
  • 添加了许多ports游戏,包括毁灭公爵 3D(Duke Nukem 3D)、Sonic 1、2 和 CD、RigelEngine、百慕大综合症(Bermuda Syndrome)、Hydra Castle Labyrinth 等。 请记住,大多数端口仍然需要 DATA,因为它不包括在内! (检查游戏选项中缺少的 Bios)
  • 更好的蓝牙管理器。即使进行完全重置,连接通常也会保持蓝牙配对。
  • 大多数模拟器和内核都更新了
  • 支持 Odroid-Go Super 掌机
  • 以及许多其他问题、错误修复和添加,我可能忘记了

The change log is HUGE so I am just going to focus on the most important parts (and the ones I can remember):

  • EmuELEC is no longer 32bit, it has now moved to AARCH64 (With some small parts still being 32 bit, like PCSX_Rearmed and Parallel64)
  • A brand new default theme made specifically for EmuELEC! Crystal! https://github.com/dm2912/Crystal
  • For easy access with any computer a third partition (EEROMS) will now be created on the first boot as FAT32, which is where all the ROMS will be stored.
  • Update folder is now located in EEROMS/.update in case you want to copy the update files directly, its also still accesible from the samba share
  • S912 (Including most Pandora) will no longer be supported, if you have one of those 3.9 is the latest version
  • Most save states are now in one folder (/storage/roms/savestates/[system] or EEROMS/savestates/[system]) I might have missed a few of the standalone emulators, but if you find any issues with that, please let me know, please make sure you move them there if you plan to keep using your old ones
  • Introduced ee_defaults.txt 9358efe
  • Switch all error messages and scripts to use TvTextViewer, also improve how these are displayed
  • New emulator/cores added Dosbox-pure, Solarus, Tic-80, Mesen, DosBox-Staging, DosBox-X and others
  • Dolphin has been added to the Amlogic-ng devices, but it is only really playable on S922x devices and gamepad stills needs to be set manually. Will fix this on v4.1
  • Added many ports including Duke Nukem 3D, Sonic 1, 2 and CD, RigelEngine, Bermuda Syndrome, Hydra Castle Labyrinth and others. Keep in mind most of the ports still need the DATA as it is not included! (check Missing Bios in the Game Options)
  • Better Bluetooth manager and connection in general also Keep Bluetooth pairings even if doing a full reset
  • Most emulators and cores are updated
  • Support for the Odroid-Go Super

As well as many, many other issues, bug fixes and additions I probably forgot! but you can check the (mostly) full change log here:


特别注意 / important note :

此版本不向前兼容,这意味着此版本不能用于升级旧版本!现在使用第三个分区,您可以直接复制 ROM,更快更安全! 不要乱用破坏数据的软件!



如果您是 EmuELEC 的新手,请阅读 Wiki

在寻求任何帮助之前,请访问 https://github.com/EmuELEC/EmuELEC/wiki。 你也可以加入我们不和谐! https://discord.gg/cbgtJTu 如果您想支持 EmuELEC,请单击顶部的“支持”按钮以了解如何支持!

我们已尽最大努力测试 EmuELEC 的每个方面,但请记住,我们无法测试每个游戏和设置,因此我相信您会发现新的和改进的错误和问题! 所以不要犹豫,加入不和让我们知道,或者在 GitHub 中打开一个问题(但请遵循模板!)

This version is NOT backwards compatible, meaning this release cannot be used to upgrade older versions! I know lots of people hate reinstalling, but due to the nature of the changes this is a MUST but now with the third partition you can copy the ROMS directly, faster and safer! no messing around with software that corrupts the data! be warned that if you do not do a clean install, you will have issues!

This version also includes a new auto update script that will hopefully make it easier than ever to update when new versions come out.

If you are new to EmuELEC please READ the WiKi at https://github.com/EmuELEC/EmuELEC/wiki BEFORE asking for any help. You can also join us in discord! https://discord.gg/cbgtJTu If you want to support EmuELEC please click on the "Support" button on top to find out how!

We have tried our best to test each and every aspect of EmuELEC but keep in mind we cannot test each and every game and setting, so I am sure you will find new and improved bugs and issues! so don't hesitate to jump into discord to let us know, or open an issue right here in GitHub (but please follow the template!)



来源:百度网盘 | 提取码:1hfs


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